Sunday Services

Our usual monthly pattern of services is:

Sunday: Each Sunday there is a morning service. This is usually at 10:30 but sometimes it will be at 9:30, so please check our Facebook page for the most up to date information on times of services. On the third Sunday of the month there is normally an all-age service including uniformed organisations (e.g. Scouts, Brownies).

Joint Services: We regularly have joint services with other Methodist Churches in our area, and also with other Churches as part of Petts Wood Churches Together.

Junior Church:  Junior Church meets on Sunday mornings during church services in two groups – the younger ones are called Fishes . which includes a Crèche (see below). Children receive Christian teaching related to their age (craft activities, stories, discussions, etc). The Junior Church joins with the adult congregation for the final part of worship in the church.

Crèche:  A crèche is normally available for under 3’s when carers are attending morning worship.

All Age Worship Services: On the following Sundays we have an All Age Worship with the Uniformed Organisations which is focused on the children. This is a wonderful occasion enabling generations to worship and celebrate together. Come and join us – as there is a warm welcome waiting for you and your family.

All Age Worship Services:

15th March
17th May
21st June
20th September
18th October
20th December